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Thierry Deruyttere

Deep learning Ph.D student at KU Leuven

Currently doing research on Visual Language Navigation. My main interests lie in giving commands to self-driving cars. Did my master thesis on fashion recognition. Open for job opportunities.

Personal projects

Supervised Master Thesises

The following is a list of thesises where I was the main daily supervisor. Ordered by year.

  • - Automatisch genereren van trainingsdata voor Talk2Car(2021) - Tuur Neckebroeck
  • - Singing Songs With AI (2020) - Siddharth Agarwal
  • - De invloed van contextembeddings op sentimentanalyse en sarcasmedetectie voor het detecteren van toxische commentaren (2020) - Joke Denissen
  • - Connecting vision and text by reconstruction (2020) - Nikhil Nagaraj
  • - Commando’s geven aan zelfrijdende voertuigen: een vergelijkende studie van objectverwijzing modellen gebruikmakend van neurale netwerken (2020) - Viktor van Hoey
  • - Reconstruction from Multi-Modal Representations (2020) - Andrea Cortoni
  • - Classification of Bitcoin Returns Based on Sentimental and Technical Analysis using Machine Learning (2019) - Ranec Belpaire

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